Email Signature Aspen and Accessibility Update

In recognition of CF’s achievement of being named one of the top 150 colleges nationwide, we ask that all CF employees update their email signatures. The new version of the email signature includes the Aspen Prize badge as well as some adjustments to line height and spacing in order to assist with accessibility and readability.

A standard, consistent and clean email signature facilitates communications with our students, colleagues and community members. The signature is designed to maximize contact information while presenting a professional image. Please change your email account to reflect the following format for external and internal messages. Please do not add personal messages, artwork, quotes, background, etc., that are not a part of the CF brand and that are not included in this sample as these distract from our message.

Please click here to access the latest signature version.

To create a signature:

  • Copy an already existing sample signature (including logos and disclosure statement).
  • In Outlook, go to File, then down to options.
  • Go to Mail, then to Signatures.
  • Click New, then name your signature.
  • Paste the sample signature you copied earlier into this space.
  • Update with your information and click and Save and then OK.