Insider Posts in Your Inbox

Thank you for providing feedback on Insider.

We would like to remind you that you can receive individual Insider items in real time, delivered through your inbox, as soon as we post them in Insider. You will continue to receive the full newsletter twice a week. Here are instructions to have individual items delivered via RSS feed.

    • In Outlook, go to the File menu, click the Info tab.
    • Go to Account Settings.
    • On the RSS Feeds tab, click New.
    • In the New RSS Feed dialog box, type or copy and paste the URL of the CF Insider RSS Feed.
    • Click Add.
    • Click OK.
    • Next choose to have it delivered in the folder for RSS Feeds or directly to your Inbox or another folder.


In response to your comments, we have also added a tab for the  Patriot Cafe menu (far right on top navigation) and links to Inside, MyCF and (just above the Search box on the right).
