Ask the Question … R U OK?

Do you know that you can play a major role in raising awareness about mental health and suicide prevention for the CF family and our students? How? By participating in and sharing our 30 day Suicide Prevention Month Challenge.

September is National Suicide Prevention month and we’ve put together a calendar of quick daily activities. Not sure you can participate each day? That’s OK.  Just do what you can, because every little bit helps.

For those who have regular contact with students, your ripple can have an even bigger impact. Tell students about the challenge and encourage their participation. If you are a faculty member, maybe you could incorporate it into your class. Please take an active role in telling people about the challenge and encourage them to break the silence. Encourage them to ask the question … R U OK?

The challenge helps raise awareness and promote personal involvement in others’ well-being. The calendar is printed and available in several places around campus, and it can also be downloaded at   Feel free to share the link with family and friends to help raise awareness across the community as well.

Many times, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Let’s work together to raise awareness about suicide and promote positive mental health habits. It is our hope and belief that the challenge will create a collegewide culture change as we work together to achieve the common goal of raising awareness to prevent suicide.