What CPEC Does For You

The Career and Professional Employees Council functions as a representative council for the career and professional employees at CF. The group advises the president on matters of college improvement. Membership is automatic to any full-time or permanent part-time career and professional employees of any CF Campus. 

Goals include: 
1. to improve communication and work relations among career and professional employees, faculty and administration of the College of Central Florida;
2. to improve working conditions for all career and professional employees;
3. to encourage adoption and retention of a fair and equitable schedule of compensation for all career and professional employees;
4. to advise the President on matters of college improvement; and
5. to encourage professional growth for all career and professional employees.
6. CPEC also supports the vision and mission of the College of Central Florida.

Questions, comments, concerns, and ideas sent to CPEC for discussion with the President should include items for the betterment of CF and the career and professional employees as a whole, or as a group within the whole if it is something that impacts a number of employees. In the past, CPEC has made recommendations on the Tobacco Free Campus designation and on sharing funds with part-timers when one-time bonuses are given.

Questions that can be answered by the College’s Policy manual or via discussions with an individual’s supervisor should be handled at that level. CPEC will assist on a case-by-case basis with issues that have failed to be resolved and may need to be taken to Administration.

For more info go to: https://inside.cf.edu/departments/cpec/index.htm