Wellness Update: SPIN, Power Pump and Walking

October was a good month for participation in our wellness programs: We had 114 participants for SPIN and 57 participants in Power Pump.

Thanks to all who returned the wellness programming survey:

  • 95%  indicated an interest in cardiovascular exercise, so please join us for SPIN: Monday and Wednesday, at noon, and Tuesday and Thursday, at 4:45 p.m., in the gym. Regardless of fitness level, everyone can turn over the bike pedals … and it’s fun!
  • 80% of survey respondents are interested in strength exercise, so please join us for the Power Pump class, Fridays, at noon, in the gym.
  • 70% of you are interested in a walking program, which is a great start to cardiovascular wellness and weight loss! Stop by the gym on Tuesday, Nov. 9, at noon, to learn about the American Heart Association Six-Week Beginner Walking Plan. The first 30 individuals will receive a Pedusa 3D sensor pedometer that counts steps, distance and calories burned. Wear clothing suitable for light stretching and comfortable shoes so we can measure your stride. Visit thewalkingsite.com for beginner walking tips.